Microbebio microbial consortium inoculant increases pasture grass yield and pest and disease prevention for high yield and pest and disease prevention

Microbial fertilizer Organic Fertilizer USA > Microbebio microbial consortium inoculant increases pasture grass yield and pest and disease prevention for high yield and pest and disease prevention




Step 1: Start with the 15 – 20 lbs./acre. Seeds need to be sundried for 1 to 2 days before soaking. This helps them to absorb water more easily, which is important for the germination process. After sun drying, place the seeds in a clean bucket or container and cover them with lukewarm water. Allow them to soak for 12 hours before planting.

Step 2: If you want to test if your seed is good, the farmer puts the seed in clean water for 4 to 8 hours. Floating seeds are flat seeds, remove them. Keep the seeds below. This will help you determine if your seed is good.

Step 3: Soak the seeds.

  • To create your own Foliar Activator + Aqua Activator germination mixture, simply dilute 500 ml Ignite + 250 g Aqua Activator + 10 liter Hydro Activator + 1 liter Nutrient Activator 2.0 + 500 g X1 + 100 g X5 with enough water to cover the surface of the chlorine-free seed until sprouts appear normally 12-24 hours. Make sure the barley grains are evenly coated with the Microbebio mixture for best results. By following these simple instructions, you can create a highly nutritious and easily digestible food source that is perfect for athletes, bodybuilders, and anyone looking to improve their overall health!
  • If you have germinated your seeds and are ready to plant them, there are a few things you need to do before planting. First, pick up the germinated seeds and dry them preliminarily (about 24 hours) before placing them in a bag (ventilated), in a cool, dry place. Incubate the seeds for two days to achieve a root length about twice

as long as the seed. After that, you’re ready to plant!

  • The water that has just soaked the seeds can be used to irrigate the barley field before sowing. This is a highly efficient method of irrigation and ensures that the seedlings have enough moisture to germinate and grow quickly.

MicrobeBio® Foliar Activator is an all-organic, all-natural Plant Growth enhancer and Photosynthetic promotion designed and created to support the Symbiotic Cycle in plants better. Through the biological translocation process, these nutrients and minerals play a crucial role in better supporting seed germination, plant development and growth. MicrobeBio® Foliar Activator works to increase the efficiency of plant photosynthesis, which turns glucose and nutrients, along with the complex Carbon Molecules, into a usable form of fuel that the plant can use. As the plants uptake the nutrients from these sources, they will thrive and flourish vigorously throughout the growing season. MicrobeBio® Foliar Activator promotes earlier flowering and larger blooms and enhances the nutritional quality of the produce.


Maintains consistent results over the crop cycle, reduces metabolic stress, and achieves optimal microbial genetic potential by providing a healthy source of food and energy for soil microbes.

  • Optimizes photosynthesis (light) by expanding chlorophyll content in leaves
  • Support seed germination.
  • Increases photosynthesis (water uptake) by increasing microorganisms (microbes) in the soil media
  • Minimize leaf drop, flower, and fruit drops.
  • Increases crop height.
  • Aids photosynthesis by increasing nitrogen (and other nutrients) uptake to aid in photosynthetic CO2 assimilation
  • Improve natural enzymes and hormones in the plant.
  • Promotes flower buds.
  • Sustains an increased level of health-giving microbes over a longer duration of time
  • Promotes seed germination and increases the early vigor of seedlings
  • Enhance mineral uptake from soil.
  • Enhance capacity to retain moisture.
  • Integrates enzyme levels for the synthesis of nucleic acids, proteins, vitamins, and sugars
  • Supports stress resistance under adverse environmental conditions
  • Improves the quality and growth of produce
  • Enhances metabolic processes in plants
  • Increases root mass and length.
  • Promotes earlier maturity
  • Ameliorates the uptake and transport of energy and plant nutrients
  • Stimulate the formation of a bud, flowers, and plant branching.
  • Increase photosynthesis and plant metabolism.
  • Stimulate cell growth, build a healthy root system, and thicken the plant’s foliage and flowers.
  • Make stem and root stronger and help new cuttings grow a fast root.
  • Increase the plant’s resistance ability to stress.
  • Increase plant yields and quality.

MicrobeBio® Nature Vigor™ an all-organic biofertilizer using a proprietary biological finishing technique to deliver billions of beneficial microorganisms specially selected for strong microbial adaptability with a complete growth boost package synthesized from a complex system of plant nutrients, crucial vitamins, and naturally occurring minerals. The product also delivers natural plant hormones, essential sugars, vital amino acids, organic carbons, and proteins to promote optimal growth, and it is crucial to initiate microbial colonization immediately. MicrobeBio® Nature Vigor™ presents the nanobiotechnology entering the foliage and the root zone quickly to stimulate the photosynthesis process and boost the symbiotic cycle. MicrobeBio® Nature Vigor™ improves plant response, enhances natural plant defense mechanisms, balances soil biology, and promotes healthy root growth to build robust plants from the root up while respecting the environment.

MicrobeBio® Nature Vigor™ provides the biology necessary to solubilize nutrients and fix atmosphere nitrogen to meet the plant’s intense demands while helping the roots deal with the biotic and abiotic stress (drought, high salinity, extreme temperatures, and overwatering). The product accelerates seed germination and increases root development. This product stabilizes chlorophyll and increases phenotypic scents, colors, flavors, Brix levels, and essential oils.

MicrobeBio® Nature Vigor™ biological probiotic function allows farmers to increase plant vigor, making it exceptional for suppressing Plant Parasitic Nematodes. The product effectively controls target pests on plant foliage and is best used when the larvae are actively feeding but before the plants are heavily damaged. The product works synergistically with the other ingredients to support and sustain healthy roots and provide the best possible outcome for your plants. It also effectively reduces root and foliar bacterial and fungal pathogens.

  • Nitrogen fixation at a biological level
  • Solubilizes Phosphates
  • Mobilizes and Mineralizes
  • Produces Phytohormones
  • Balances the pH of the soil
  • Increases Saprophytic and Competence
  • Enhances the photosynthesis process
  • Enhances nutrient absorption and uptake
  • Increases crop yield
  • Improves the quality of plant vigor
  • Heighten water-use efficiency
  • Boost the population of beneficial microorganisms in the soil
  • Improves carbon cycles
  • Rebuild topsoil

MicrobeBio® Rhizo Activator™ is an all-natural and organic granular slow-release fertilizer enhanced with mycorrhizae and beneficial microbes that was designed to primarily stimulate plant root growth. Rhizo Activator Super is packed full of essential beneficial microbes, Macro and Micronutrients that are crucial to superior plant growth, and delivers these nutrients in a form that is consistently available for the plant’s immediate use. Rhizo Activator Super contains primary and secondary nutrients, along with organic matter with available nitrogen sources, as well as bio-stimulants and advanced biological humic and fulvic acids. This combination of organic and mineral elements establishes the fundamental food sources needed in order to stimulate the colonization of beneficial soil microbes, regardless of the crop or condition of the soil. Once MicrobeBio® Rhizo Activator™ is applied to the soil, millions upon millions of these beneficial bacteria and microbes begin to make their way to the plant root zone to develop and form a fully functional extended network of fine filaments that covers over seven hundred times more soil area. This establishes and forms a symbiotic relationship, colonizing the plant’s root zone and providing it with a greater increase in water and nutrient absorption efficiency. With the increase in the plant’s root mass, this allows for the plant to reach more of the beneficial nutrients and water that would have otherwise been unavailable for use without having used Rhizo Activator. The plant will also show improved drought tolerance and have much lower irrigation requirements. Rhizo Activator Super will strengthen the entire plant’s root system, allowing the plant to grow stronger, bigger and more vigorous. This leads to generating a higher yield and better protects against pests, disease and unfavorable environmental conditions. Rhizo Activator greatly enhances bio-geochemical processes such as the Carbon Cycle, Nitrogen Cycle, Mineralization, as well as Decomposition. It gives the soil the ability to better hold, convert, stabilize and increase the nitrogen. Rhizo Activator ensures the absorption of the available bio-stimulants and helps to fight nutrient deterioration in nearby sources of water. This is because our product was designed to break down slowly in conjunction of response produced by the plant, rather than merely dissolving in water. This results in a major reduction of groundwater leeching and excess runoff of nutrients. MicrobeBio® Rhizo Activator™ is an all-around environmentally friendly agricultural product that majorly minimizes nutrient pollution.

  • Improved root depth and density.
  • Stimulate biological activity by increasing microbial colony.
  • Stimulate plant growth and increased yield
  • Deliver primary nutrient source of food for plants
  • Remediate salinity and heavy metal contamination in soils
  • Regulate pH in acid or alkaline conditions
  • Increases BRIX levels
  • Increase organic matter and Carbon source
  • Increase Chlorophyll Content
  • Enhance natural defenses
  • Improve water retention
  • Improve soil structure

MicrobeBio® Rhizo Activator Super™ is an all-natural and organic granular slow-release fertilizer that activates for up to 365 days energize with bioenergy Hydrogen and Oxygen, enhancing soil environments electrically, biologically, and synergically. It is charged by our proprietary quantum kinetic bioenergy technology functioning at the cellular level enabling maximum seed germination, reducing surface tension, improving the rate of enzyme activity, enriching land conditioning & mineral, provide optimal conditions for soil microbial to flourish. MicrobeBio® Rhizo Activator Super™ is a powerful tool for improving plant growth and yield. This product helps to regulate the uptake of nutrients, aiding in cellular growth and development. By improving soil health, this product encourages strong, healthy plant growth that leads to optimal yields.


Nitrogen fixation at a biological level
Solubilizes Phosphates
Mobilizes and Mineralizes
Increase Oxygen and hydrogen.
Produces of Phytohormones
Balances the pH of the soil
Increases Saprophytic and Competence
Enhances photosynthesis process
Enhances nutrient absorption and uptake
Increases crop yield
Improves the quality of plant vigor
Heighten water-use efficiency
Boost population of beneficial microorganisms in the soil
Improves carbon cycles
Rebuild topsoil
Supports the plant’s natural immune system and its ability to resist harmful root and plant pathogens, diseases, and extreme environmental conditions.
Increases root mass and protect the root surface from harmful plant pathogens such as the plant-parasitic nematodes, harmful diseases, insecticides, and pests. Provides the early nutrients for helping the microbial population exponentially flourish in the soil.

Microbebio Hydro Activator

MicrobeBio® Hydro Activator™ helps growers achieve earlier flowering, larger blooms, and fruit. It also slows the aging process of crops. Hydro Activator is an organic liquid fertilizer that is safe for use on all crops, including fruits and vegetables. Using Hydro Activator will dramatically increase the Brix levels of productivity.

MicrobeBio® Hydro Activator™ is packed full of the nutrients that plants need, including more than 40 mineral elements, organic proteins, essential vitamins, and amino acids. This makes it an ideal product to use during different stages of plant growth, as it provides everything that plants need to thrive.

If you’re looking for a way to make your product look fresher, taste better, and last longer, then you need MicrobeBio® Hydro Activator™. Plants treated with MicrobeBio® Hydro Activator™ will have healthier, greener leaves and better flavor. Hydro Activator increases the Brix levels responsible for the sweet flavor, making fruits and vegetables tastier. MicrobeBio® Hydro Activator™ helps growers achieve earlier flowering, larger blooms, and fruit. It also slows the aging process of crops. Hydro Activator is an organic liquid fertilizer that is safe for use on all crops, including fruits and vegetables.MicrobeBio® Hydro Activator™ is packed full of the nutrients that plants need, including more than 40 mineral elements, organic proteins, essential vitamins, and amino acids. This makes it an ideal product to use for all stages of plant growth, as it provides everything that plants need to thrive.


Immediately delivers primary nutrients (NPK) and renders them readily accessible for plant roots
Furnishes a premium-selected sequential chain of sustainable, life-giving microbes for continuing soiland plant health
Stimulates significant bio-mass (root) growth which is essential for plant health and growth
Enhances plant BRIX levels (sugars) to enrich the bio-available food source for soil microbes
Remediates salinity and heavy metal contamination in soils
Improves water retention (by expanding the root system) and increases drought tolerance
Balances pH in acid or alkaline conditions for optimal nutrient uptake
Maintains a C:N Ratio (Carbon & Nitrogen) by activating microbes to release nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and zinc to crops
Boosts chlorophyll content in leaves to invigorate the photosynthesis process
Acts as a powerful prophylactic by preventing harmful Rhizoctonia and fusarium spores from germinating.
Is comprised of 100% eco-friendly elements, which are non-toxic and safe to use around children, adults, pets, and livestock

MICROBEBIO -Hydro Activator
Microbebio Aqua Activator

MicrobeBio® Aqua Activator™ is a powerful probiotic that provides plants with a full spectrum of beneficial bacteria and microorganisms. This product will help to stabilize atmospheric nitrogen in the soil, solubilize mineral compounds, produce phytohormones, increase uptake of plant nutrients, improve soil structure, maximize root growth, harmonize water retention and soil moisture, and enhance plant resistance to both diseases and pathogens.

Aqua Activator can be used on any type of crop to help regenerate the soil and make it less dependent on chemical fertilizers and pesticides. This product is easy to use, highly effective, and economical. It is a great alternative to the toxic and caustic compounds that are commonly found in today’s market. Aqua Activator is safe for the environment and for human health, making it a great choice for those who are looking for a healthier option.

By using MicrobeBio® Aqua Activator™, you can be sure that your plants are receiving the essential nutrients they need for optimal growth and development. Give your plants a boost with MicrobeBio® Aqua Activator™ today!


Stimulates biological activity
Unlocks bound-up nutrients
Essential increase in Brix levels
Significant increases in yield
Regulates pH in acid and alkaline conditions
Boosts microbial activity
Increased Saprophytic Competence
Extends robust root systems
Rebuilds the soluble organic matter for the topsoil
Increase water retention
Eliminates surface runoff, volatilization, denitrification, drought, leach, salinity, and the alkaline in the soil
Boost plant growth
Enhance Brix, terpenes, trichomes, aroma, and flavor in your plants.
Mobilizing nutrient availability in soils.

MICROBEBIO -Aqua Activator
Microbebio Aqua Activator

Biological nitrogen fixation is a process that helps to convert atmospheric nitrogen into organic compounds. This process is performed by certain microorganisms, and it is an important way to add new nitrogen to the soil.
Phosphate solubilization is an important process that helps make phosphate available for plant uptake. Phosphate is an essential nutrient for plant growth, but it can be difficult for plants to access if it is bound up in the soil. Phosphate solubilization helps to release this bound phosphate so that plants can take it.
Phytohormone Production – Plants use CO2 for photosynthesis and increase the levels of healthy plant hormones, such as auxins and gibberellins. In turn, this also allows for the storage of carbon in the soil, which can help to improve soil health and fertility.
Mobilization and Mineralization – The mobilization and mineralization of soil nutrients such as salt, phosphate, magnesium, and calcium are converted into a form that the plant efficiently uses.
Saprophytic Competence -These microbes help decompose dead organic matter, releasing essential nutrients that can be used by plants and other organisms. Saprophytes also help to suppress the growth of harmful bacteria and fungi and complement MicrobeBio® Aqua Activator™ product line.

MICROBEBIO nutrient activator

Microbebio® Nutrient Activator 2.0™ is formulated with the full spectrum of trace minerals and amino acids that activate and energize with Hydrogen and Oxygen, enhancing soil environments electrically, biologically, and chemically. It is charged by our proprietary kinetic energy technology functioning at the cellular level enabling maximum seed germination, improving the rate of enzyme activity, enriching land conditioning & mineral, provide optimal conditions for soil microbial to flourish. Microbebio® Nutrient Activator 2.0™ aids in cellular growth and helps to regulate the uptake of nutrients. Protect against pathogens and disease. maximize plant vigor and Increase yield and quality.


VITAMINS: Vitamin A, Vitamin B-6, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Thiamine, Choline, Folic acid, Riboflavin, Biotin, Pantothenic acid

AMINO ACIDS: Alanine, Arginine, Asparic acid, Cystine, Glutamic acid, Glycine, Histidine, Isoleucine, L-carnitine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Proline, Serine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Valine.

60 DYNAMIC MINERALS: Bromide, Calcium, Fluoride, Silicon, Nitrogen, Selenium, Phosphorus, Iodine, Lithium, Chromium, Iron, Manganese, Titanium, Rubidium, Cobalt, Copper, Antimony, Arsenic, Molybdenum, Strontium, Zinc, Nickel, Tungsten, Germanium, Aluminum, Scandium, Tin, Lanthanum, Yrrtrium, Barium, Silver, Uranium, Gallium, Zirconium, Vanadium, Beryllium, Tellurium, Bismuth, Hafnium, Terbium, Europium, Gadolinium, Samarium, Cerium, Cesium, Gold, Dysprosium, Holmium, Lutetium, Thulium, Erbium, Ytterbium, Neodynium, Praseodymium, Niobium, Tantalum, Thorium, Thallium, RheniumSodium, Tantalum, Tellurium, Terbium, Thallium, Thorium, Titanium, Tungsten, Vanadium, Ytterbium, Magnesium, Zinc, Calcium, Sulfur, Selenium, Copper, Potassium


MicrobeBio® Aqua activator x1™ reduces the pathogenic nematode population protecting the root system and promoting the growth, yields, and quality of all types of plants.

The product controls and regulates many plant pathogenic nematodes, such as Ditylenchus sp.; Helicotylenchus sp.; Meloidogyne sp.; Radopholus sp.; Pratylenchus sp.; Rotylenchulus sp.; Tylenchus sp.

MicrobeBio® Aqua activator x1™ parasitizes all of the reproductive stages of plant pathogenic nematodes, specifically focused on eggs and females. The acidic pH conditions produce a toxin that attacks the nervous system of the nematodes and causes deformations and destruction of the ovaries, which reduces egg fertility. MicrobeBio® Aqua activator x1™ reduces the nematode population, significantly protecting the plant’s root system. By adding this layer of protection, the roots can develop and grow freely into a healthy root system.

While MicrobeBio® Aqua activator x1™ rids the plant of pathogenic nematodes, it, in turn, promotes the reproduction and growth of beneficial nematodes, along with phosphorus and nitrogen-fixing microorganisms, allowing the plant to absorb more nutrients by the healthier grown root system. MicrobeBio® Aqua activator x1™ reduces the pathogenic nematode population in the soil and promotes the growth, yields, and quality of all plants.


MicrobeBio Aqua activator x3™ is a powerful solution for addressing harmful pests and insects in your garden lawn or field. This unique combination of predatory bacteria and beneficial fungi works to attack a broad range of destructive bug species, using a combination of soil-borne bacteria and specialized toxin crystals. The bacteria, known as microbe spores, are toxic to certain insect species when consumed. These spores work by attaching to the digestive system of their prey and releasing poisonous crystals that disrupt their function. Thanks to its combination of multiple beneficial microbes and its broad spectrum of action, MicrobeBio Aqua activator x3™ is an effective way to keep your garden, lawn, or field healthy, thriving, and free from harmful pests. So if you’re looking for safe and effective pest management, be sure to give MicrobeBio Aqua activator x3™ a try! One key player in this process is MicrobeBio Aqua activator x3™, a robust strain of fungi developed by scientists specifically for use in controlling disease-causing pests. By producing specially-engineered cyclic peptides, this potent organism is able to suppress the growth and reproduction cycles of even the hardiest insects. Furthermore, MicrobeBio Aqua activator x3™ has proven quite effective at spreading across entire fields and landscapes, making it an ideal choice when it comes to protecting crops from damage due to infestations of harmful insects. So if you are looking for an efficient way to manage insect populations and protect your valuable crops from disease, look no further than MicrobeBio Aqua activator x3™

MicrobeBio Aqua activator x3™ is a highly effective and safe insecticide with a number of important benefits. Unlike many other toxic pesticides, it is harmless to birds, fish, and warm-blooded creatures, making it an ideal choice for people who care about the health of the environment. In addition, MicrobeBio Aqua activator x3™ is extremely effective at controlling pest populations, quickly destroying insects like roaches, ants, beetles, termites, and flies.


MicrobeBio Aqua activator x3™ is a powerful new biopesticide that harnesses the power of novel microbes to control and eliminate harmful insects. These special microbes target specific pests by harming their digestive system, preventing them from digesting food properly and eventually leading to their death. Biorational X3 is also very effective in targeting less common insect species due to its unique action mechanism. Additionally, this innovative biopesticide has been shown to improve water efficiency in the field by increasing the amount of organic matter it can break down. Unlike traditional pesticides, Biorational X3 is non-toxic, easy to use, and highly cost-effective–making it an excellent choice for farmers looking for a more environmentally friendly and sustainable way to protect their crops.

MicrobeBio Aqua activator x3™ is a powerful and innovative tool for protecting crops from harmful insects. This unique bacterium manipulates the gut of certain bugs, preventing them from digesting food and ultimately killing them. Because birds, fish, and other animals with acidic guts are not impacted by Biorational X3, it is a highly effective and environmentally friendly alternative to chemical pesticides. Additionally, it helps to conserve water by increasing organic matter in the field. With no need for heavy application or special handling procedures, Biorational X3 is an incredibly valuable tool for modern farmers looking to protect their crops while minimizing environmental impact.

MicrobeBio Aqua activator x3™ is a type of entomopathogenic fungus known for its ability to rapidly kill insect pests. These spores, cysts, and mycelia must come into direct contact with the host in order to be effective. Once an insect has been infected by these microbes, they rapidly grow inside the host, feeding on its body and producing toxins that eventually cause its death. When the host insect dies, it is then covered in a layer of white mold that produces even more infectious spores. Thus, this biocontrol method can be incredibly effective in eradicating pest populations and protecting crops from damage. Overall, biorational X3 represents an innovative and highly reliable strategy for managing harmful insects naturally.

Microbebio® X3™ help reducing the following

Alfalfa Weevil, Aphids, Apple Cleaving Moth, Fall Arm Worms, Bark Beetles, Bean Leaf Beetle, Best Leafhopper, Beetles, Black Vine Weevil, Boll Weevil, Cabbage Looper, Cabbage Worm, Cane Borer, Caterpillars, Cereal Leaf Beetle, Chinch Bugs, Coffee Borer Beetle, Codling Moth, Colorado Potato Beetle, Corn Borer, Cucumber Beetle, Douglas Fir Tussock Moth, Emerald Ash Borer, Fire Ants Flies, Fungal Gnats,Grasshoppers, Greenhouse Whitefly, Invasive Silkworms, Japanese Beetle, Lygus Bugs, Mealybugs, Mexican Bean Beetle, Mites, Psyllids, Red Palm Weevil, Shore Flies, Stem Borers, Stink Bugs, Strawberr Root Weevil, Termites, Thrips, Whiteflies, White Grubs, …


MicrobeBio Aqua activator x5™ is a proprietary bacterium-based bio-fungicidal product that has a wide spectrum of action against plant pathogens such as Black Sigatoka (Mycosphaerella figiensis); Sheath blight of Rice (Rhizoctonia solani); Late Blight (Phytopthora infestans); Anthracnosis (Colletotrichum gloesporioides); Grey Mildew Disease (Ramularia areola); Powdery Mildew (Oidium spp.); Downy Mildew (Pernospora sparsa); Coffee Rust (Hemileia vastatrix), and other common pathogenic plant fungi (Please contact the company for the further harmful fungi list appendix or the product SDS)

Microbebio® X5™ help reducing the following

Black Sigatoka (Mycosphaerella figiensis);
Sheath blight of Rice (Rhizoctonia solani);
Late Blight (Phytopthora infestans);
Anthracnosis (Colletotrichum gloesporioides);
GreMildew Disease (Ramularia areola);
PowderMildew (Oidium spp.);
DownMildew (Pernospora sparsa);
Coffee Rust (Hemileia vastatrix),


Biological Bacticide & Virucide MicrobeBio Aqua activator x9™ is a proprietary bio bactericide and virucide product that has a wide spectrum of action against plant-harmful bacteria and viruses

Microbebio® X9™ help reducing the following


Grassstunt Rice grassstunt virus (RGSV),
Tungro Rice tungro bacilliform virus (RTBV),
Xanthomonas oryzae,
Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryzae


MicrobeBio Aqua activator x11™ significantly accelerates compost to reduce residue stubble before the next cropping season. The unique, rigid, and stable formulation has been designed to compost and break down residue, improve seed-to-soil contact, and help lessen planter or tire harm from tough crop stalks. MicrobeBio Aqua activator x11™ can reverse nutrient tie-up in crop residue to provide more available nutrients for your next season’s planting. MicrobeBio Aqua activator x11™ allows you to construct a healthful soil biome for a continued season-long composting blend of proprietary benefit anaerobic microbes selected for their ability to oxidize sulfides to elemental sulfur and accelerate composting crop residue. MicrobeBio Aqua activator x11™ specially selected naturally occurring bacteria and fungi in a potent activator that offers the energy to jumpstart decomposition while controlling odors.

Microbebio Application Banana Tree 2


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