Importance of MicrobeBio products on Fungi for Growing Cannabis

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Importance of MicrobeBio products on Fungi for Growing Cannabis

You might be thinking that fungi are different from that of microbes and you are not wrong. But they also serve the same purpose and assist in the growth of cannabis.

For instance, one type of fungi known as mycorrhiza fungi binds with the roots of the plant. While acting as the extension of the roots it absorbs nutrients from the larger area which it can cover with its roots acting alone. Mycorrhiza fungi survive using the exudates released from the plants’ root and in return provide the plants with additional nutrients and moisture it gathered from the soil, through the mycelium.

Having said that, this type of fungi is found in two different types. Ectomycorrhizae is the one that lives on the outside of the roots and acts as a sort of sheath extending out for nutrition. Whereas, Endomycorrhizae is the one that lives within the plant itself and helps in bringing the nutrients directly into the roots. While you might be thinking to use the power of fungi for boosting the nutrients uptake in your plants, you should avoid excessive use of fertilizer which can damage these organisms. 

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