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Microbial fertilizer Organic Fertilizer USA > Blog

Reference: https://www.engadget.com/2018-04-17-Scientists-accidental-mutant-enzyme-eats-removes-plastic.html There are research teams around the world dedicated to finding a remedy for the growing plastic pollution crisis, but now it seems that one group of scientists have found a feasible answer -- and they stumbled upon it by accident. Researchers studying a newly-discovered bacterium found that with a few tweaks, the bug [...]
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INTRODUCTION: MicrobeBio® was established on the conviction that all life and human manageability is personally associated with the soundness of dirt. For many years, the orders of Regenerative Farming, Sustainable Agriculture, and Carbon Farming has been the cornerstone of our work and convictions. Our company's enthusiasm amid that time has been aimed towards the improvement [...]
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FAQ – MICROORGANISMS’ CHARACTERISTICS In what ways do microbes help plants? In fact, microbes play an integral role in plant nutrition and health as well as soil health. The bacteria will be in an endospore form and will become actively viable and growing once the soil temperatures reach and maintain a soil temperature of 60F […]

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BENEFICIAL MICROBES IN MICROBEBIO® Our microbial products contain an unparalleled proprietary formula of 50+ strains of microorganisms.  The most notable difference between our line of microbial products and that of other manufacturers is encompassed in the following three words:   Bio-diversity, Endospores, and Equilibrium. We have conducted rigorous lab and field compatibility studies in Africa, southeast […]

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MICROORGANISM FUNCTIONS Undisputed fact that microbes play an integral role in plant nutrition and health as well as soil health.  Agreed Products seem to be provided in the sporadic form, meaning they will only be active in your fields once conditions are favorable.  The bacteria will be in an endospore form and will become actively […]

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Reference: http://www.newsexpress.ph/us-based-firm-brings-breakthrough-product-to-iloilo-farmers/?fbclid=IwAR0XrvQJqoWJ4_fmnXsalppE0DEkDCY4rr5ZFrYcvWsIrbm9Rc_cg5X_9Ao Healthy soil, higher yield US-based firm brings breakthrough product to Iloilo farmers Iloilo farmers will now have a chance to test a 100% organic agricultural product dubbed as “nature phenomenon.” Proven to both “heal” the farm soil and bring in higher, quality yield, MicrobeBio is the US-based company making the offer here. In [...]
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SOIL SALINITY MANAGEMENT     Our product is a full spectrum bio-fertilizer and bio stimulant specially formulated by isolating beneficial bacteria – Halomonas, Bacillus and desert root fungus, Piriformospora Indica – that thrive and work to stimulate plant growth even in high salt concentrations. Our proprietary bacteria formula not only thrive in salinity condition but […]

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