MicrobeBio Hydroponic Beneficial Microbes can Increases cannabis Roots Growth Up To 600%

Microbial fertilizer Organic Fertilizer USA > Blog > MicrobeBio Hydroponic Beneficial Microbes can Increases cannabis Roots Growth Up To 600%

Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without making the use of soil. The system uses water as the primary medium for the growth of plants. The roots of the plants are suspended in the sand, water, gravel, Rockwool, coco peat, or clay pellets. The nutrients are provided directly to the roots of the plant using a solution. Any leftover water which is not absorbed by the roots of the plants is recycled through the system and is used later for absorption.

In this article, we will discuss hydroponic cannabis, the benefits of growing cannabis in hydroponics, nutrients required for growing cannabis in a hydroponic system, how to care for cannabis grown with hydroponics as compared to soil, and different types of hydroponics systems.

What is Hydroponics Cannabis?

Weed, the common nickname for cannabis comes from its ability for growing almost anywhere, under different climatic conditions. Hydroponics cannabis is referred to as the plants which are grown using a nutrient-water solution along with an inert growing medium. It does not make use of nutrient-rich soil for growing plants.

Growers have been using various hydroponics methods for several years to speed up the growth of their plants and to maximize the yields. When you are working with soil indoors, it tends to be difficult and inefficient for several reasons. For instance, you cannot recycle soil, it is more prone to pest problems, difficulty in determining the appropriate amount of nutrients and soil quality which influences the growth of your cannabis plants.

For all of these reasons, growers prefer to make use of a hydroponics system to grow their cannabis plants more efficiently and effectively. With some of the hydroponics methods, you can use a small amount of growing media that can be reused. Moreover, you can also control the pH levels and nutrients that your cannabis plants are receiving. Such levels of control on your cannabis plants, allow you to have bigger, healthier, and more potent buds.

Whether you are an experienced cannabis grower or a beginner trying to grow for the first time, hydroponics provides you with a great ability to produce plants in any space of any size. Let us look at the different benefits of hydroponics in much more details.

Benefits of growing cannabis plants in hydroponics system

There are several benefits of growing cannabis plants in a hydroponics system. Some of these benefits are as follows.

  1. Fast growth

By growing hydroponic cannabis you can achieve faster growth of your plants as compared to other traditional methods. This is for the simple reason that your plants come in direct contact with the nutrients and thus can absorb more amount of nutrients as compared to when the plants are grown in the soil. As a result of which, the growth rate of hydroponic plants is 30% – 50% faster than a soil plant.

  1. Large quantity

By growing cannabis hydroponically you can harvest in larger quantities. In general, the yields of the hydroponic plants are about 30% more as compared to the plants that are grown inside the soil. Having said that, when growing hydroponic cannabis plants you will need a lesser amount of space for each plant as compared to when growing the plants in the soil. 

  1. No weeds

Growers tend to have a tough time while cleaning up the mess created because of the overgrowth of the weeds. You have to carefully monitor the growth while growing the plants in the soil and pull out when it is in the soil. However, this is not the situation when you are using a hydroponics system. There is no way to have an overgrowth of the weeds in the soil as there is no soil at all.

  1. Lesser diseases

Because of the soil-borne diseases many of your cannabis plants will get damaged completely more often than not. While growing the plants in the soil it causes a lot of pests and diseases which can make it tough for you to control the environment for better growth of your cannabis plants. However, you are saved against the risk of plant damage as there is no soil with hydroponic growing.

Nutrients for hydroponic cannabis plants

For growing high-quality hydroponic cannabis plants you will require more nutrients as compared to most of the other common crops. Growers who are growing their plants outdoors will typically add powdered nutrients to the soil. On the other hand, growers who are growing their plants indoors, will typically add liquid nutrients and mix it with the water before providing it to the plants.

Having said that, with hydroponic cannabis plants you are responsible for ensuring that your plants receive all of the essentials nutrients for the plants to survive and grow. Phosphorous, Potassium, and Nitrogen are the three most essential nutrients required for the growth of the plants. These nutrients are known as macronutrients. Apart from this, there are some other nutrients known as micronutrients or secondary nutrients which will help in the overall development of your cannabis plants.

These secondary nutrients include Calcium, Iron, Boron, Copper, Magnesium, Sulfur, and Zinc. Having said that, hydroponic nutrient solutions are designed for different stages of growth. For instance, nitrogen-rich solutions are generally used during the vegetative stage. On the other hand, phosphorous-rich nutrients are typically more required during the flowering phase of your cannabis plant.

The hydroponic nutrient solution contains all of the primary and secondary nutrients that your cannabis plants would otherwise get from the soil when growing outdoors. These nutrients will ensure that your cannabis plants grow at a much faster rate and can produce healthier, bigger, and potent buds.

How to care for cannabis plants grown with hydroponics?

Growing your plants with hydroponics is much more different than growing cannabis in the soil of your garden. One of the things to remember while growing with hydroponics is the support the plant is receiving. As opposed to growing in the soil, cannabis plants that are grown in a hydroponics medium can be vulnerable to tipping or even breaking. Therefore, trellising the garden will protect the plant from tipping and breaking.

Moreover, this will also train the cannabis plants from growing in particular directions. Apart from this, pruning is another thing you must consider while growing plants with hydroponics. Your cannabis plants can grow a lot quicker and faster with hydroponics. Therefore, it means that you have to be diligent about pruning. Getting rid of the bottom foliage and topping the plant before the flowering cycle will allow the top colas to receive all the energy they need to grow efficiently.

Hydroponically grown pH

Most of the cannabis plants can be grown hydroponically with the pH levels of 5.8 – 6.8. Having said that, 6.3 pH is considered to the optimal level of pH for growing cannabis plants with hydroponics. Checking the pH levels in the hydroponic system is much simpler and easier than checking for the pH when growing the plants in the soil environment. The pH testing kits are easily available in hydroponic supply stores and are also quite affordable.

Testing the pH is an essential component of growing cannabis plants with the hydroponics system. When the pH is too low or too high, the cannabis plants will not be to absorb the appropriate amount of nutrients. This will slow down the growth process and the plants will also show signs of deficiencies. Therefore, it is important to check the pH of your cannabis plants at least once per week. If the pH is low, you can easily raise it by adding a small amount of soluble potash. And if the pH is high, you can lower it by adding phosphoric acid to it.

Checking the pH from time to time will ensure that you are always in control of the growth of your plants, thus allowing you to produce bigger, healthier, and potent buds.

Hydroponics systems

There are different types of hydroponics systems that can be classified as active or passive. Active systems are those which keep moving the nutrient solution through a pump. Whereas, the passive system is reliant on the capillary action of the growing medium. The medium absorbs the nutrients and then passes it to the roots. Having said that, the passive system is too wet and does not provide enough oxygen to the roots of your cannabis plants.

These systems can also be classified as recovery and non-recovery. In the recovery system where the nutrient solution is reused. Whereas, the non-recovery system is the one where the nutrient solution is applied to the medium and is not recovered. Some of the hydroponic systems include

  1. The Wick System – Passive Non-Recovery
  2. The Ebb and Flow System – Active Recovery System
  3. Nutrient Film Technique – Active Recovery System
  4. Continuous Drip – Active Recovery and Non-Recovery System

How MicrobeBio hydroponic beneficial microbes increase roots growth up to 600%?

Beneficial microbes are important for the growth of your cannabis plant whether you are growing the plant in soil or with the hydroponic. In fact, the use of beneficial microbes becomes all the more important when you are growing your cannabis plant with the hydroponic, as plants will not get the nutrients available in the soil. Therefore, providing your hydroponic cannabis plants with the essentials nutrients plays a crucial role in its growth. This is where MicrobeBio hydroponic beneficial microbes come into the picture.

It provides your cannabis plant with all of the much-needed primary and secondary nutrients which enhances the root-zone health of your plants and its growth. This helps in increasing the size and the quality of your yields. The MicrobeBio hydroponic beneficial microbes provide a range of beneficial bacteria that supports more robust root development, increases the transport of all of the essential nutrients to your cannabis plants, and help the plants fight diseases that are caused by dangerous pathogens and destructive bacteria strains. All of these factors help in increasing the root growth of your cannabis plants by up to 600%.


What MicrobeBio Offers?

The MicrobeBio Nature Phenom contains over 50 strains of highly concentrated microbial spores and is high in organic matter. It offers a balanced formula that contains all of the essential micro and macro-nutrients needed for the optimal growth of your hydroponic cannabis plants. At every stage during the growth of your cannabis plant, the MicrobeBio Nature Phenom ensures that the plants are receiving vital nutrients beneficial insects that are needed to foster growth.

Moreover, the Nature Phenom helps the cannabis plants fight off harmful diseases and pests which can damage the plants and their roots. This product is suitable for almost all of the crop types and can grow healthier and bigger buds in all climatic conditions. Some of the benefits of the MicrobeBio Nature Phenom includes

  1. The Nature Phenom allows for the natural production of plant and growth hormones, i.e., phytohormones production and modulation.
  2. The Nature Phenom enhances natural plant defense mechanisms and reduces the need for chemical pesticides.
  3. The Nature Phenom mitigates chemical toxicity through natural alkali/acid production.
  4. The Nature Phenom has a broad-spectrum design suitable for all crop types and climates.
  5. The Nature Phenom facilitates nitrogen fixation at a biological level, meaning microorganisms gather and combine nitrogen from the atmosphere into an organic compound.

These are only some of the benefits provided by MicrobeBio Nature Phenom product. There is a lot more at offering. Overall, it will help increase the nutrient uptake of your cannabis plants and will make them produce healthier, bigger, and potent buds.

How to Setup a Hydroponic System to Grow Bigger, Healthier Cannabis/Marijuana Roots and Reap the Benefits at Harvest?

For the cannabis plants to reach their fullest potential, it is important to have a healthy root system. Therefore, it is imperative to do everything that you can do to support the growth and improve the health of your cannabis plant roots. Only then you can achieve a heavy harvest which is full of spectacular buds.

In this article, we will discuss how to set up a hydroponic system to grow bigger, healthier cannabis roots, and reap the benefits at harvest.

How to maintain the healthy roots of your cannabis plants?

There are three essential components to keep the roots of your cannabis plants healthy. These components include oxygen, temperature, and nutrients.

  1. Oxygen

Plants do breathe in oxygen by respiring through their roots. This process is required to create Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). It is a molecule that helps in transporting chemical energy throughout the plant. Without having enough oxygen supply, your cannabis plants will not be able to move energy throughout their organism. This can potentially lead them to starve.

When you are growing in a hydroponic system, you will have to ensure that the roots of your cannabis plants are continuously immersed in oxygen rich-water. You can do so by using air pumps to constantly aerate the water. This will help you to boost the growth of the roots of your cannabis plants.

  1. Temperature

In general, the perfect temperature for the growth of the roots of your cannabis plants is around 25 degrees. However, when you are growing the cannabis plants in a hydroponic system, you will have to maintain the temperature between 19°C to 25°C. Maintaining these temperature levels when growing the cannabis plants in a hydroponic system, dissolved oxygen levels in the water are at the highest level.

This ensures that the plants are receiving better nutrients for the roots which lead to faster growth. To maintain the right temperature of the reservoir you can paint it white, as it helps in reflecting light and heat. This will keep the reservoir cool. Moreover, you can also add cool water and ice to the reservoir to keep the temperature in the required range.

  1. Nutrients

Nutrients are important for the vegetative growth of your cannabis plants. However, they are equally important for the development of healthy roots as well. Potassium and phosphorous are the key nutrients for boosting the growth of the roots of your cannabis plants. Not only do these nutrients help in strengthening the existing roots, but they also encourage the plants in growing new ones. In a hydroponic system, you can make use of these two essential nutrients to boost the growth of the roots.

Importance of Microbes

In the rhizosphere, microbes ensure that the nutrients are easily available to the plants for providing optimal growth conditions. Having said that, making use of beneficial microbes creates a significant difference when it comes to growing healthy cannabis plants. They ensure that the plants can take in the much-needed nutrients to fight diseases. Beneficial bacteria such as Trichoderma and Fungi are crucial for the health of roots and crops.

Mycorrhiza fungi are especially important. These fungi extend their hyphae, a thread-like structure, from inside root cells into the soil for several millimeters up to 600% in volume. Therefore, helping to extend the feeding volume of your cannabis plants by 10 – 1000 times. This offers more nutrients to the roots.


How to Harness Beneficial Bacteria for Unprecedented Root Growth?

Beneficial bacteria greatly improves the health of the rhizosphere. As the nutritional substance from the roots releases, microbes produce chemicals that boost plant growth. This wide array of substances include enzymes, auxins, amino acids, vitamins, indoles, and antibiotics. These molecules are passed to the plant where they stimulate the growth of the plants, enhances plant reproduction, and increase metabolic functions.

As the molecules get releases in the root zone, they act as a food and growth stimulants. Having said that, the beneficial bacteria ensure that the otherwise unavailable nutrients into a form that increase the nutrient uptake of the roots. Moreover, the beneficial bacteria also help in preventing the roots from infections by coating the surfaces of the roots and triggering systemic disease resistance. Besides, beneficial bacteria also help in filtering out the heavy metals which boost the growth of the roots.

MicrobeBio Nature Phenom

The MicrobeBio Nature Phenom is a proprietary, ultra-premium blend of beneficial bacteria that is proven to increase the growth of the roots of your cannabis plants. It helps in increasing the nutrient uptake of the roots, thus resulting in healthier plants and bigger yields. Using the MicrobeBio Nature Phenom you can grow bigger and healthier roots and reap the benefits at harvest.

At MicrobeBio, we are committed to improving the productivity of the soil by offering products that are affordable and eco-friendly.

Think of MicrobeBio products like this – We’re the health food of plant food, and we’re here to put an end to all of the horticultural junk-food that has been shoved down Mother Nature’s gullet for far too long. You might say that MicrobeBio has taken the very best of Mother Nature and put it into a concentrated form, and like all-natural products should be, we never use growth hormones or GMOs, never irradiate, and we never use any chemicals that are harmful to humans, livestock or the planet.




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